The Company directed by its Board is strongly committed to growing the business in accordance with the concept of sustainable development aligned to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In accordance with this commitment, the Company is continuing to develop, implement and improve an effective Sustainability Management System.
To operate a successful business and comply with the sustainability guidelines, the Company necessarily seeks cooperation from all its stakeholders be those internal or external, not limited to, but including shareholders, employees, directors, customers, the community, local authorities, and regulators. The Company has communicated its sustainability objectives to all employees to ensure understanding of its importance, to promote unity, engagement and cooperation, and to ensure its operations and activities are consistent with this policy.
2.1 Business Value Chain
To help ensure efficient and cost-effective operations in the production of its high-quality products, to minimize impact on the environment and society, to create value to its stakeholders, and to ensure sustainable growth, the Company seeks to assess its performance and improve sustainability throughout its supply chain and in all business operations and transactions from (i) upstream in procurement of feedstocks, energy, services, (ii) in all its own activities, and (iii) to downstream to its customers. The Company policy for procurement of raw materials, energy and services requires assessment of suppliers to ensure they conform to good ESG practices and have sustainability policies that align with those of the Company.
2.2 Stakeholder Analysis in the Business Value Chain (Materiality Assessment)
The Company recognizes the importance of its responsibilities as they relate to society, environment and good governance and is committed to balance business growth, the well-being of people in the community and environmental stewardship to create value and sustainable growth.
The Company has will in 2022 conducted Stakeholder Analysis (“Materiality Assessment”) with parties who are related to the business operations, to determine and categorize the expectations of all identified stakeholders. This is to ensure that the business operations, strategies, and the plans of the Company are aligned with these expectations so far as possible and practicable and are most efficient and effective. The process is carried out on an annual basis. In 2021, the Company focused on a subset of historically identified stakeholders (suppliers, customers, employees, & the community).
The Sustainability Goals of the Company for 2021 include four major topics with focus on 12 sustainability and governance areas:
Topic 1: Safety and Environment
Topic 2: Good Corporate Governance
Topic 3: Equality, Human Rights and Social Responsibility
Topic 4: Business
3.1 Environmental Policies and Practices
The Company recognizes the importance of operating to an environmentally sustainable business model. As such, the Company, at all times, seeks to monitor, control and as far as practicable minimize its impact on the environment by following Company and regulatory guidance and control. The company seeks to continuously improve its production and service provisions and in doing so reduce its impact on the environment both with respect to its impact on the local environment in which it operates but also more broadly in terms of its impact on climate change through efficient use of natural resources including feedstocks and energy. The Company includes in its Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Policy guidelines for environmentally responsible operations consistent with the above policy.
Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Policy
The Company regards safety, occupational health and environment performance as a key aspect of the business’s overall performance and its responsibility to society. The Policy is as follows.
The Company will
The Company’s safety, occupational health and environment management is under the supervision of the Operational Safety, Occupational Health and Environment Committee which has been assigned the responsibility to agree and set policy, objectives and targets, to prepare the annual improvement plan, to supervise, monitor and evaluate the Company’s performance and to report this onwards to the Company’s management, its Board of Directors and its stakeholders and shareholders.
The Company has developed an Environmental Management System (EMS) which is compliant with, and accredited to, various international standards (ISO14001, ISO 9001, TIS 18001). The EMS requires, amongst other activities and practices, routine review and inspection of the the environmental performance of all its facilities and activities.
3.2 Environmental Work Performance
The Company has carried out various measures to minimize its impact on the local environmental, the neighboring communities and its employees including ensuring rules and regulations relating to impact on the environment are strictly followed.
The Company has identified areas of concern or risk to personnel or the environment and it undertakes annual (or more frequent if needed) monitoring or surveillance to ensure its performance is within allowable limits. Such monitoring and surveillance includes occupational health of employees, releases of potential or actual pollutants to the environment, and monitoring of other factors that might cause harm or nuisance to local communities or the environment.
4.1 Policy and Practice on Respect for Human Rights, Labour and Social Responsibility
The Company is committed to ensure that human rights are respected and people are protected according to relevant labour laws and other relevant regulations throughout its supply chain and customer base. Moreover, the Company seeks to consistently improve its operations and activities as related to this matter as well as to communicate, review and improve relevant policies by always considering appropriate “stakeholders and supply chains” consistent with human rights management. This includes considerations of the rights of people relating to equality, dignity, rights and freedoms as protected under the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand and international treaties.
The Company strictly observes human rights, labour laws and social responsibility to the following extent:
Target and Action Plan on Social Aspect Management for the Year 2022
4.2 Social Work Performance
Performance over the past year (2021), the Company has compiled and implemented the following:
Issues on law infringement or social rules
In the past year, the Company had no infringements of laws and social rules.