8-29 December 2014 TPA organized and took part in a number of sporting activities arranged to prevent highlight the prevention of narcotic usage for the year 2014.
26 December 2014 TPA provided trainging for and carried out the annual fire evacuation drill in order to clarify the actions required in the event of an accident.
26 December 2014 The Company organized a campaign to promote wearing a helmet while driving motorcycles in order to ensure staff safety when driving.
16 December 2014 TPA attend drug preventing and solution program to keep away staff from drug and to create company harmony.
5 December 2014 Company representatives attended the social activities on His Majesty the King’s birthday with Sub district Administrative Organization.
1-5 December 2014 TPA took part in a football game with the community and Kratumlom Municipality to help cooperation between public and private sectors.
29 November 2014 TPA campaign and publicize in safety knowledge to TPA’s staff.
26 November 2014 The Company has arranged for an annual health check up for all employee to prevent staff health problem.
20 November 2014 Teachers and Student from Baan Kratoom Loom School visited to study how to do acrylic sheet fabrication at Technical Center and R&T laboratory.
12 August 2014 The Company’s staffs were sent to participate in saluting ceremony of Her Majesty the Queen’s birthday with sub district Administrative Organization.
10 July 2014 Company and employee organized a campaign to promote “No drinking of alcohol during the Khoa Phansa Festival” a period of 3 month.
21 June 2014 The Company gave 8 scholarships to children of TPA’s staff