Thai Poly Acrylic Public Company Limited: Sustainability Workshop Series Thai Poly Acrylic Public Company Limited recognizes the importance of sustainability management and has organized a series of monthly workshops focused on preparing sustainability reports. These workshops commenced on May 2, 2024, and concluded with an offsite session on October 17, 2024.
The company invited experts from KPMG to serve as trainers, providing knowledge through group workshops and personalized consultations. Participants included executives, supervisors, and employee representatives involved in creating the sustainability report. The sessions aimed to deepen participants' understanding of the processes and steps required for report preparation, as well as how to communicate and apply the gathered information effectively within the organization.
This initiative sought to equip employees with practical knowledge and skills to ensure accurate and effective implementation. The goal was to meet the growing demands for sustainability in the organization and contribute to long-term social and environmental well-being.