Thai Poly Acrylic Public Company Limited adopts concepts in doing business with the highest code of ethic and morality to promote corporate governance and fairness to achieve sustainable growth, and responsibility to society and environment.
The Board of Directors is responsible for leading business to maximize shareholders’ benefits, ensure fairness among stakeholders, and creates quality products and services to support customers’ needs.
The Board of Directors manages, controls and monitors the business with good corporate governance to create transparency and fairness for mutual benefits of shareholders, stakeholders, society and community the Company incorporated with. In order to achieve the fairness in doing business, the Company initiated Good Corporate Governance Policy to ensure alignment with the Stock Exchange of Thailand stipulation in 2006, comprises 5 sections as detailed in Good Corporate Governance section.
The Company has codes of conduct, codes of ethic, and business codes of conduct as a guideline for every employee of the company and the group detailed as follows:
“Employee will not use the company’s sum of money in paying any bribes either directly or indirectly to government officer for illegal or inappropriate acts. Bribes include money and gifts with values higher than that in the normal practices, and inappropriate or extra of entertainment transactions.
Gifts and entertainment to third parties could be done under appropriate business cultures; however, at the appropriate values, and this shall not violate the applicable law. Employee shall not provide gifts or entertainment at the reputational risk of the company and the group. This information is disclosed to the public.”
Employee shall not seek for gifts or entertainment items from any person believed conducting connected transactions. Employee shall not receive any forms of entertainment which is beyond the normal business practice having possible conflict of interest. Employee shall return all gifts which are not under acceptable conditions or donate for charity.
The Company recognises the values of employees, accepts personal differentiation and ability of both male and female employees which form integral parts of business operation.
All employees are treated with respect and honor as well as fairness in opportunities for development and career advancement.
Staff hiring and promotion will be considered based on the required capability in certain position. Other irrelevant factors or work performance in irrelevant functions will not be included in the consideration. Career advancement is solely depended on employees’ work performance.
The Company treated Occupational, Safety, Heath, and Work Environment as part of the business operation and social responsibility. Policies are implemented, effective on 5 December 2009, as follows:
Company perform cost saving in name of Led Front Office. Objective is to reduce electricity by changing T8 to be LED tube. This project is saving energy project and to reduce CO 2 releasing as policy of Ministry of Energy
Society and community: The Company is doing the business aiming to benefit the economy, social, and community the Company incorporated with, especially on increasing opportunities in studying and competency development of youth in the area of sports, creativity and innovation, and science and technologies. This also includes cooperation with community and government sector to prevent any acts which could harm or affect environment, community and society.
Company is also paying attention and keeps an eye on our neighbor to avoid any annoyance that cause of trouble. Moreover, we also educate school in close area by inviting teachers and students from Baan Kratoom Loom School to learn about how to do acrylic fabrication at our Technical Center and R&T laboratory on November 20, 2014.